Corporate History

1891 – Foundation of Kampschulte

H&W Kampschulte was founded in 1891 in Vohwinkel but soon moved to Solingen. The company focused mainly on electrochemistry (electroplating) and the production of rubber parts.








1903 – Patent of the “Rubber Expander”

The down to the present day established Expander was as one of the first home fitness devices developed in 1903 in Solingen. The application of rubber bands instead of metal springs was revolutionary. The elongation of the elastic ropes was a lot gentler and therefore more pleasant during the training. The “room-gymnastics-device” was granted a patent in 1903.

This principle still lives on with the Deuser® Expander – although the bestseller was and is continuously refined. More information about the exciting products of Deuser Sports is available on the separate website.



1904 – Rubber gives you Wings!

The foundation of the braiding department in 1904 is the start for the business with textile elastic components. Launching equipment for gliders, suspension for airplanes and airship undercarriages. Selection of tailplanes (empennages). Hightech of the 30s, and even today relevant for light aircrafts and individualists.



1939 – Gründung der  J. G. Karl Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG

Ein Teil des Geschäfts der Firma Kampschulte wird in die J. G. Karl Schmidt GmbH & Co. KG ausgegliedert.



1962 – Aufteilung in Schmidt Technik und Schmidt Sports

Da der Sportbereich immer wichtiger wird, bekommt der Bereich innerhalb des Unternehmens einen eigenen Bereich. Es folgt eine organisatorische Unterteilung in Schmidt Technik und Schmidt Sports inklusive seperater Logos. Während sich Schmidt Technik mit der Herstellung und Konfektion von Gummiseilen beschäftigt, fokussiert sich Schmidt Sports auf den Vertrieb von Sport- und Fitnessartikel.


1967 – Sales Launch of the Deuserband

ponym for the Deuserband is the sports physiotherapist Erich Deuser.
Erich Deuser, who accompanied several athletes as masseur during multiple Olympic Games and soccer world championships. Additionally, he guided various German and international top athletes.
Deuser gained international recognition over the matches during the soccer world championship 1966 in Great Britain. Millions of TV viewers witnessed Erich Deuser as always helpful advisor alongside the German national coach Helmut Schön.
Erich Deuser died on June 29th, 1993 in his hometown Düsseldorf









2016 – Rebranding in Deuser Sports Systems

The next step was to rebrand Schmidt Sports in Deuser Sports / Deuser Systems, named after Erich Deuser.
The new name and the new logos provided furthermore the different divisions an independent identity under the shared company name Deuser. The area Sports focuses on the trade of sports goods. Systems on the other hand concentrates on the manufacture and distribution of technical rubber cords, elastic ropes and Expander cables.

Furthermore, Deuser moved its office to a new company building at Erfer Str. 15, 42657 Solingen.

If you want to know more about our company and its development.

Don’t hesitate to contact us!
